Are you the buyer of a large, a medium or a small size chain?    If yes!   
You can now use the: "Ship Direct to the Stores" offer and

Large warehouse inventory,
The inbound freight related to the large order,
The direct cost to distribute and re-pack the try-on-Socks for the stores,
The freight cost to re-ship to the stores, and
Paying for the large orders that may be partially sitting in the warehouse.

  • Contact us at: 954-957-0031 to discuss:
Your Model,
The Transport/ Carrier,
The Freight - Prepaid or Collect,
The Terms you wish to exercise,

  • That is it, all set.
You will receive a Quote with a "Multi-Stores Discounted Price".
Then, either you or your stores can contact us to place the order.
We, in turn, will ship the orders direct to the stores.